Abracadabra Tours

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About Us

We are a Japanese company with a team comprised of 80% non-Japanese people which specializes in translating anime and games. Driven by our passion for helping everyone enjoy Japanese subculture without language barriers, we launched "Abracadabra Tours," an immersive experience crafted through the lens of international residents in Japan.

●Focused on Anime, Manga, and Gaming Our team members are passionate fans of subculture and otaku culture, raised on Japanese anime, manga, and games. Abracadabra Tours offers a host of experiences designed to immerse you fully in this side of Japanese culture.

●Defying Traditional Boundaries We go beyond typical cultural experiences like temple and shrine visits. Instead, we provide innovative tours and workshops that offer unique access to the worlds of anime and otaku culture.

●Accessible to All Japanese anime and otaku culture are embraced globally, transcending language, nationality, and cultural differences. Abracadabra Tours aims to be just as inclusive, offering fun and engaging experiences for everyone to enjoy together.